Saturday, May 15, 2010


The heavens opened up last night and heavy rain continued to fall until the morning. It's still raining now, but not as heavily.
We have not had a long wet season so this rain will be very welcome to the farmers up here.
However, it will probably destroy the hay bails that Maurie has worked so hard to produce in all the paddocks here, and collapse the holes Chris and I have dug for the antennas.
All we can do is wait and see. I believe this rain is here for the whole week so we will not be able to assess the repercussions until much later when the packsaddle creek returns to normal levels and allows us to cross over to the new site.
The timing of rain is something farmers rely heavily on every year. We rejoice with the farmers further south who can now start seeding and pray that the rain will continue for them.

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