Saturday, May 1, 2010

The hard yards

Travel is not something new for our family. We have lived as a family in Jakarta for a year, and Aberdeen for 6 months. In both cases, there came a time when Jodi and I would get homesick. Working in Kununurra has been no different. We are experiencing it right now.

We have been in contact with our parents and some of our friends who have been very diligent in keeping us up to date with home events. Some events have caused us to cry, some to pray ernestly and others to celebrate and give prayers of thanks.

For me, homesickness has been particularly hard to deal with this time round due to ear infections, headaches and a lingering virus. Whilst 'under the weather' I have not been able to stay focused. Has it really only been 2 months on site??? This question should have easily been dealt with when looking at the work we still need to complete and the time we need to complete it. God has graciously helped us to complete a lot of work thus far and there is a lot more than that to be thankful for...

We don't have a lot of distractions up here so Jodi and I have been reading our Bible more, and also soaking up a lot of autobiographies of missionaries such as Dr Roseveare and Eric Liddel and a bunch from WEC. I have also been on the net a lot, looking at Christian world news, current world missions and the part HCJB Global hands has to play in that. This has sometimes been overwhelming emotionally.

When we learned that 500 Christians were slaughtered in one village in March this year, that news alone had me in tears and ernest prayer for days. So, what's going on? Are we being called to mission work full time? I don't know yet.
What I do know is that God is working in us and has blessed us with a deeper relationship with Him.
I know that we face trials of the heart here as well as the physical work.
I know that we will grow and mature as we stay the course.
I know that we will see life differently when we return to Perth.
I know that we will pray more for missionaries around the world and for HCJB global which now has a dear place in our hearts.
I know we will keep up with world events to help us to pray effectively.
I know we will continue to study God's Word, and to spend time with Him daily.
I know that the lessons God is teaching us here are of far greater worth than any satisfaction from the physical work we are completing.
I know that we are loved and supported by many people back in Perth.
I know that right now, this is where God wanted us to be.
I know there was a reason why I kept listening to Roger's sermons on Nehemiah over and over again. God was preparing us. They have very real and practical application here right now. Especially the idea of carrying our sword (God's Word) at our side whilst we work, and being ready to ward off Satan's attacks. This holds true not only for here, but for any Kingdom work. The attacks will come. Satan hates that God's Kingdom is advancing. We need to be ready.
From Nehemiah we also know that God does care about what we do... the mundane jobs, the repetative tasks, the things that go un-noticed by others. He cares! So I need to remind myself daily that I am here to serve God and to please Him, not my peers. I need to keep out the thoughts that are not godly - the Sanballats and Tobiahs - the mumbles and the harsh criticisms I am tempted to harbor in my heart and instead to fill my heart and mind with God's Word, to pray constantly, to sing His praises, to remember Jesus Christ's love, forgiveness and sacrifice for me -so that I may forgive others and love them and serve them.
I hope to learn these lessons well - both for here and for home.

For the past month, one verse from a song keeps ringing in my head and heart:

Why should I gain from His reward
I cannot give an answer
But this I know with all my heart
His wounds have paid my ransom!

As I recognise my sinful nature and the fact that Jesus knew all the sins I have committed and all have yet to commit and still, He chose to die for me... as I consider God's holiness and my wretched, helpless state, these words in the song, this knowledge of Christ's forgiveness and the privilege of calling God my Father, my Lord, my Saviour, my greatest treasure...
what else can I do except fall on my knees and thank Him, raise my eyes to Heaven and praise Him, live my life in obedience to His commands, surrender my life as an offering and say "Here I am Lord, send me", be still and know that He is God and listen to Him.

1 comment:

Nate and Rachelle Dell said...

Hello Gun Family! Thanks for sharing your journey. You popped up on an HCJB search I have in place on Google and I was blessed by reading your blog today. Thank you for sharing from your heart.

Nate Dell
HCJB Global
Short Term Team Coordinator