Saturday, June 19, 2010

Consider the cost

Whenever we look at Luke 14:28-30 from now on, we will see it in a new light. In constructing a tower, there is more to consider than just the materials that go into it.
I have been learning that on a whole new level this week as Steve Sutherland has been calculating the stresses on all points of the towers and stays in no wind and cyclone conditions to work out the best cables to use, and the tensions that need to be put on them.
Together, we are working on new ways to calculate those stresses etc using access and excel to reduce the time involved (normally around 2 months a tower).
The work has been very welcome for me as a way to re-activate my brain, and God has been blessing us with good results. It's amazing how fast a day goes when we have worked on this stuff!

For those wondering what we are up to, we have accepted a position at Camp Wattle Grove (formerly Keswick Convention Centre) as co-caretakers. This work also has a strong ministry component and we will be continuing to ask God for guidance and an ongoing vision for the ways CWG can be used to further the Kindom of God.

Lord willing, we will be leaving HCJB Knx on June 29th and will take around a week to head back to Perth. We thank God for the experience of working for Him here, for the new friends we have made here, for the overwhelming support of so many back home with finances and prayer, and for answering our prayers about what to do next. Our cup truly overflows!

We are so excited about coming home. We miss you all.

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