Saturday, May 22, 2010

Lake Argyle

After travelling several kms from HCJB, we realised that I had forgotten the camera.

So... these are from my mobile phone. I attempted to stitch the above panoramic from three shots of the lake. Does not do it any justice for the sheer size of it. Try looking at WA from google earth and you will see the lake from space. It's big!!!

This was a view down the valley on the other side of the dam wall. Yes, the foreground is full size trees and the river is about 300m wide.

Whilst peering with full concentration into the water to view the large fish, I was startled by this 5 ft crock. (Fortunately it was a freshy) Still, I did not want to be any closer. When it first appeared, it was 2ft from my feet and facing me. It chased in someone's bait and stealthily landed near the shore. Salties have also been seen there so we did not hang around.

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